Top free server software
Top free server software

top free server software

Another thing to consider is security, which may become an issue depending on the tool and your company’s guidelines for security. Open-source monitoring solutions often require significant investments to learn, install, configure, and use. In this server monitoring tools guide, I’m sharing some of my favorites with you below. While the debate about free versus commercial goes on, there are well-recommended, free server and systems monitoring tools that many sysadmins swear by.

top free server software

That’s all great, but how do you pick out the best server monitoring tools in a field of hundreds? Today, there are commercial products, freeware tools, and open-source software to choose from. Even so, budgets aren’t infinite, and sometimes management mistakenly thinks they can do without because, “Everything’s running great right now, and we’ll know if it doesn’t, right?” Because most organizations live or die by their applications (whether it’s critical internally or for external customers), having the right set of tools to monitor and manage your server environment is critical. To build application infrastructure, you start with an architecture, draw the design, then analyze and choose the platform(s) that best fits. If you’re on the hunt for a free tool that can show you if your packets are passing, your routers are routing, and your NetFlow is flowing, you may want to check out my list of must-have top free network monitoring tools.

Top free server software update#

So, I think it’s time to review and update those old choices and possibly add a few new tool reviews into the mix.

top free server software

In 2015, we reviewed the must-have free systems and server monitoring tools, but (as everyone knows) the landscape has changed for monitoring, free tools, and IT in general.

Top free server software